
July 31 - August 2
Charlotte, NC

  • The Next-Gen Leaders Roundtable is a gathering at Ignite National Summit for leaders who are leading young adult communities & movements and pastor’s who are engaging the next generation

shapeing the future chruch


  • Tom Lin

  • Jonathan Tremaine

  • Niko Peele

  • Corey Paxton

  • Aaron Barnett

  • Jared King

  • Brandon Love

Shaping the future Church

Near the end of his life, Billy Graham was asked in an interview, "What do you think your legacy will be?" He paused, "If I have a legacy, it will be training." No one in the room expected that response. Billy had previously been told that his life would never have the impact he was capable of achieving, if he didn't train others to do the same thing. In partnership with this vision to see the next generation trained in prayer, evangelism, and disciple making, we are honored to be hosting the Next-Gen Leaders Summit at the newly inaugurated Billy Kim Hall at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC. 

Event Details

The Next-Gen Leaders Summit is a one-day private event held at The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC. For more details and questions email us at

Billy Graham Library
4330 Westmont Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28217

Learn more of what to expect at The Next-Gen Leaders Summit.



You’re invited to join hundreds of young adults for Ignite Movement’s yearly National Summit July 27-29th at New Song Church in the Charlotte, NC area. The National Summit is a gathering for campuses, next-gen communities and movements who are longing to see renewal on their campuses and in their cities.

The first night of the conference is free for Next-Gen Leaders Summit participants. To stay for the remainder of the conference use promo code “Next Gen Leader” for a discounted rate.

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Luis Palau Association

Luis Palau Association

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Every Campus